Sunday, 20 November 2022

Frequently Asked Questions

Promoting public domain work can be a frustrating process. This is by design, the drafters of intellectual rights legislation and customs directly profit from a state of confusion that keeps the general public in the dark and constantly questioning what is and is not allowed, and who does or does not own what.

Over the years I encounter the same questions over and over and over and over again. In attempt to add a little more clarity to the issue I'm sketching out some of the more common questions I've come across.

Disclaimer: This is not legal advice, please consult a relevant legal authority if you are involved in any kind of dispute.

Additional note, there is no universal standard for copyright, there is a policy that has been adopted by the majority of the nations of the world but not all, and even amongst these, there are nuances to how it is applied in each territory. I am most familiar with the copyright system in the UK and USA, if you or the work in question does not originate within these two territories you will have to look elsewhere for specific advice for your country of origin.

  1. What's the difference between Trademark (TM) and copyright (C)?
    While these two often get confused a lot separates them. In brief, copyright is the right of ownership, while trade mark applies to branding. Of the two TM is far weaker than copyright, and while copyright is automatic a trade mark has to be continually enforced. A key misconception is that copyright also requires constant enforcement, it doesn't. The only way to lose copyright is for the term to expire or for the owner to give it up. Not actively protecting copyright, or only selectively protecting copyright is at the discretion of the owner.
  2. How can X use Y when Y is still trademarked?
    This one shot up in popularity this year (2022) after Disney's copyright on Whinnie the Pooh expired. Since Disney is still trademarking the character and many products with the character and his friends in the first book, the news of various knock-offs and in particular the announcement of a horror movie starring the bear and piglet has sparked a lot of confusion. The key to a Trademark is that it is weaker than copyright. Specifically, an active Trademark doesn't mean no one else can use the trademarked property if the copyright is invalid, to be considered a trademark violation the claimant has to demonstrate that the alleged violators product could be confused with a product or service currently trademarked by the claimant. I don't think there are many people who would confuse a live action horror flick for a Disney product. An animated kids movie with Jim Cummings doing the voices would be a different matter. Another example in the European Union, the mobile game Candy Crush, successfully trademarked Candy Crush. You still use those words, though calling a mobile game that would be potentially vulnerable. 
  3. [Questioner is American] If things made in 19__ are public domain how come [product made by a non American who died decades after the 19__s] isn't public domain?
    Because there is no universal standard for copyright. The 95 years after creation term applies solely to content created in the USA. If the work was created in another country that country's copyright law is what matters, this is called country of origin, most copyright systems account for it. The United States didn't until the 1990s when it retroactively added a vast sum of art that had been public domain in the United States back into copyright. The UK has country of origin, so if a work is public domain in its country of origin, then that is true for the UK, but if it is not but the life of the author and 70 years has passed than it is also public domain in the UK.
  4. If works in the USA are public domain after 95 years how is this tv show from 1973 public domain? 
    Because the USA has one of the most convoluted histories with copyright. The 95 year term is modern development, throughout the 18th, 19th and most of the 20th century America used a registration system, and to make it more confusing they kept passing laws that changed requirements for registration, renewal and terms of protection. As a result, their are a lot of books, movies etc, made well into 1960s and later that are public domain, either because they failed to register correctly, Romero's Night of the Living Dead, is the most famous example of this, or because no one bothered to renew them when their terms were up.
  5. X must still be copyrighted, so why is it shared so freely and included in loads of public domain lists?
    Well, back to confusion again. Looking at many lists of public domain material you're bound to find something that must still be in copyright. But as property has developed its increasingly difficult to say for sure without access to sensitive and confidential legal documents. In theory copyright is very clear, its the right of the creator to their work. But copyright can be bought, sold, and given away. This is why most copyright disputes aren't between two people, but between corporate entities. So, this complicates matters extraordinarily. So this may mean that the work in question is public domain after all because the entity that bought it didn't register or renew correctly, or more likely, no one knows who owns it so it has fallen into a limbo called orphan work.
  6. What's an orphan work?
    An orphan work is a work without an owner. Works published anonymously fall under this category and most copyright legislation accounts for it in some manner. They aren't public domain, but there isn't anyone to defend the copyright. You can't initiate a claim on behalf of someone else, that's another form intellectual property theft called copyfraud. However, increasingly orphaned works are works published by one or multiple private entities and they are orphaned because it just isn't clear who amongst them actual owns what and in what capacity they can use the work in question. Video games have a term called Abandonware, where games and their associated intellectual property just stop being active, largely because of this issue. Many video games are created through the input (or meddling) of multiple corporate partners, and all of them whether in development or in publishing will have a stake of some kind within it. Add in how common it is for video game and software companies to be bought out, merged, split off etc, and there are now multiple properties that can't be touched unless a dozen entities come onboard. 
  7. I want to use something that is still partially copyrighted, will X be okay?
    This is a unique feature of America's copyright system. In the UK and much of the rest of the world its a none or all situation. X years after death of creator all works are free to use. In America currently its a year of creation of individual works. So there are estates that are powerless in the rest of the world that still have teeth in the USA. The estate of Arthur Conan Doyle is a particularly infamous example with its actions to strong arm Sherlock Holmes adaptations since the last few short stories are still copyrighted there. These questions can only be answered by the estate holders themselves, its pointless to ask a third party, we don't know how other people will act.
  8. Is Creative Commons like Public Domain?
    No. Creative Commons is a licensing agreement, to know if and how you are allowed to use a work licensed under a Creative Commons license you will have to check what license it is and the requirements. To learn more about Creative Commons and the specific licenses go here.
  9. This has a copyright notice, how is it public domain?
    Well, in most of the world the ubiquitous small c in a circle is superfluous. Copyright is automatic so it doesn't really do anything. For example, me writing these words and then clicking publish is enough to ensure my copyright over this blogpost. Yes that's right, you own your posts, including on social media like facebook, twitter, and reddit and so on. In the UK the copyright notice on film and television programs serve only to inform us when the show was produced and to help us practice our Roman numerals. In the United States, one of the few territories where the circle c was necessary, it formed only part of the registration process. If you didn't include a visible copyright notice or an incorrect copyright notice your copyright was void. However, a correct copyright mark on its own was not sufficient to register the work for protection. The US copyright office is supposed to include and entry for all works that were copyrighted. This is partially searchable though it is a major pain to do so. In short, if there isn't a copyright record or renewal record if one was needed than the circle c means nothing.
  10. This is copyrighted in my country, why are you saying its public domain?
    I don't live in your country, and that's the status of my territory and the laws I'm supposed to follow. I'm not responsible for your conscience or actions.
I'll leave it here for now. There are a few more questions, but they aren't as frequent, for now anyway. If that changes I'll write up a follow up. Hopefully this is informative and helps pierce the fog of confusion just a little.

Wednesday, 9 November 2022

1944: Hell Bent for Election


Political advertising is pretty dire, its the most transparent of advertising, "give us your vote and in exchange you will have x" so this short 1944 animation was pleasant surprise. While still extremely blunt it uses clever imagery and a simple plot with a hero and a villain. If I didn't know FDR was a real person and President or about WWII I might have thought this was a cartoon morality story. Well, the cheering for the "win the war special" train that is armed to the teeth would've made for a strange moral.

This short was the first major work of United Productions of America, then still known by its boring name Industrial Films. It was funded by United Auto Workers and the Congress of Industrial Organizations, two powerful American labour organisations. The short is an openly pro Franklin Delano Roosevelt campaign film during his bid to be re-elected President in 1944. He won by a comfortable margin, it was the last election campaign he ran as he died in 1945. His opponent Thomas E. Dewey I had not heard of until watching this film, unless you count Truman holding up the newspaper with the infamously incorrect headline. So I don't know how accurate the caricature of Dewey's positions were. 


But in a vacuum, my sympathies lie more with Roosevelt based on the argument of the film. The workers struggling against a candidate supported by a businessman who has fascist sympathies, its not a hard choice really. One detail I enjoyed was that during the presentation of Dewey's social policies, or rather lack of policies, the music accompanying the scene is a rendition of the Preacher and the Slave, a popular labour song written by Joe Hill an important organiser for the Industrial Workers of the World, untill his death by firingsquad in 1915. 

So an ashamedly partisan piece, but the sequences and images were quite clever and well thought out. The hallucinations of the rail worker and the increasingly demonic capitalist out class thousands of political cartoonists. Though given that United Productions of America was founded by ex-animators for Walt Disney who parted ways with him after the 1941 cartoonists strike I'd hazard a guess that they had some personal experience with a similar tycoon with some interesting political views.

Friday, 28 October 2022

Imperial propaganda - The House that John Built

 The British Empire dominated much of the earth for several hundred years. To some this statement is a strange source of pride, an attitude of toxic superiority. For others this is something to feel embarrassed about. What's strange to me is that the Empire is barely talked about in modern Britain, its legacy is inescapable, but outside of history modules and specialised programming and literature its relegated in general discussions to vague mentions, this is true for positive (usually something about trains and ending slavery) and negatives, war, occupation and slave trading etc. 

So this short piece of early British animation The House that John Built is very interesting to me. Produced in 1928 by the Empire Marketing Board, the short was deisgined to have a wide audience, and was a forum for the Empire to justify and promote itself. I was surprised how it chose to do it. In this short Britain and the Empire are shown in purely economic terms. The greatness of both is shown first in their agricultural and cattle production, and then cemented by translating that bounty into a value in Imperial pounds. No talk of civilisation, or global stability, just animals representing statistics that showed annual growth in exports and imports. 

The Empire is great as it is a great system for the growth of capitalism. You have doubts about our Imperial accomplishments? Nonsense! Just look how well the pork markets were doing in 1925. The House that John Built is not an isolated endeavour. The Empire Marketing Board sponsored many marketing pushes to drive home the economic power of the Empire and to encourage purchasing. Economic patriotism from Canada to Australia, Nile to Cape Town. Looking back I find this revealing, while the talk of civilising the wild lands, and building technological progress have lingered on in the popular imagination, its clear from looking at the evidence of the time that as far as the Empire builders were concerned, the Empire was first and foremost a means to do business and enrich themselves. 

Sunday, 2 October 2022

The Recent Rising in Warsaw - George Orwell

Insurgents from "Kiliński" Battalion shoot at "PAST" building from the barricade on Zielna Street. 
October 2nd 1944 marks the final day of fighting in the uprising of Warsaw. The insurrection lasted two months, Polish resistance held much of the capital city and even managed to capture several German tanks and armoured cars and artillery escalating the battles from barricade fighting and rooftop sniping. 

The defeat came while the Red Army of the Soviet Union stood by at the outskirts of the city. Stalin's plans for post-war Poland benefited from the exhaustion of the Polish underground. The British establishment was also less than enthusiastic with this explosion in opposition to the Axis powers in Europe. George Orwell was working on what would become Animal Farm and was also writing articles for the left-wing newspaper Tribune. His article was one of the earliest reactions to the tragedy.

The Recent Rising in Warsaw

 It is not my primary job to discuss the details of contemporary politics, but this week there is something that cries out to be said. Since, it seems, nobody else will do so, I want to protest against the mean and cowardly attitude adopted by the British press towards the recent rising in Warsaw.

As soon as the news of the rising broke, the News Chronicle and kindred papers adopted a markedly disapproving attitude. One was left with the general impression that the Poles deserved to have their bottoms smacked for doing what all the Allied wirelesses had been urging them to do for years past, and that they would not be given and did not deserve to be given any help from outside. A few papers tentatively suggested that arms and supplies might be dropped by the Anglo-Americans, a thousand miles away: no one, so far as I know, suggested that this might be done by the Russians, perhaps twenty miles away. The New Statesman, in its issue of 18 August, even went so far as to doubt whether appreciable help could be given from the air in such circumstances. All or nearly all the papers of the Left were full of blame for the émigré London Government which had ‘prematurely’ ordered its followers to rise when the Red army was at the gates. This line of thought is adequately set forth in a letter to last week’s Tribune from Mr G. Barraclough. He makes the following specific charges:

  1. The Warsaw rising was ‘not a spontaneous popular rising’, but was ‘begun on orders from the soi-disant Polish Government in London’.

  2. The order to rise was given ‘without consultation with either the British or Soviet Governments’, and ‘no attempt was made to co-ordinate the rising with Allied action’.

  3. The Polish resistance movement is no more united round the London Government than the Greek resistance movement is united round King George of the Hellenes. (This is further emphasized by frequent use of the words émigré, soi-disant, etc., applied to the London Government.)

  4. The London Government precipitated the rising in order to be in possession of Warsaw when the Russians arrived, because in that case ‘the bargaining position of the émigré Government would be improved’. The London Government, we are told, ‘is ready to betray the Polish people’s cause to bolster up its own tenure of precarious office’, with much more to the same effect.

No shadow of proof is offered for any of these charges, though 1 and 2 are of a kind that could be verified and may well be true. My own guess is that 2 is true and 1 partly true. The third charge makes nonsense of the first two. If the London Government is not accepted by the mass of the people in Warsaw, why should they raise a desperate insurrection on its orders? By blaming Sosnkowski[1] and the rest for the rising, you are automatically assuming that it is to them that the Polish people looks for guidance. This obvious contradiction has been repeated in paper after paper, without, so far as I know, a single person having the honesty to point it out. As for the use of such expressions as émigré, it is simply a rhetorical trick. If the London Poles are "émigrés", so are the Polish National Committee of Liberation, besides the ‘free’ Governments of all the occupied countries. Why does one become an émigré by emigrating to London and not by emigrating to Moscow?

Charge No. 4 is morally on a par with the Osservatore Romano’s suggestion that the Russians held up their attack on Warsaw in order to get as many Polish resisters as possible killed off. It is the unproved and unprovable assertion of a mere propagandist who has no wish to establish the truth, but is simply out to do as much dirt on his opponent as possible. And all that I have read about this matter in the press—except for some very obscure papers and some remarks in Tribune, the Economist and the Evening Standard—is on the same level as Mr Barraclough’s letter.

Now, I know nothing of Polish affairs, and even if I had the power to do so I would not intervene in the struggle between the London Polish Government and the Moscow National Committee of Liberation. What I am concerned with is the attitude of the British intelligentsia, who cannot raise between them one single voice to question what they believe to be Russian policy, no matter what turn it takes, and in this case have had the unheard-of meanness to hint that our bombers ought not to be sent to the aid of our comrades fighting in Warsaw. The enormous majority of left-wingers who swallow the policy put out by the News Chronicle, etc., know no more about Poland than I do. All they know is that the Russians object to the London Government and have set up a rival organization, and so far as they are concerned that settles the matter. If tomorrow Stalin were to drop the Committee of Liberation and recognize the London Government, the whole British intelligentsia would flock after him like a troop of parrots. Their attitude towards Russian foreign policy is not ‘Is this policy right or wrong?’ but ‘This is Russian policy: how can we make it appear right?’ And this attitude is defended, if at all, solely on grounds of power.

The Russians are powerful in eastern Europe, we are not: therefore we must not oppose them. This involves the principle, of its nature alien to Socialism, that you must not protest against an evil which you cannot prevent.

I cannot discuss here why it is that the British intelligentsia, with few exceptions, have developed a nationalistic loyalty towards the U.S.S.R. and are dishonestly uncritical of its policies. In any case, I have discussed it elsewhere. But I would like to close with two considerations which are worth thinking over.

First of all, a message to English left-wing journalists and intellectuals generally: ‘Do remember that dishonesty and cowardice always have to be paid for. Don’t imagine that for years on end you can make yourself the boot-licking propagandist of the Soviet régime, or any other régime, and then suddenly return to mental decency. Once a whore, always a whore.’

Secondly, a wider consideration. Nothing is more important in the world today than Anglo-Russian friendship and co-operation, and that will not be attained without plain speaking. The best way to come to an agreement with a foreign nation is not to refrain from criticizing its policies, even to the extent of leaving your own people in the dark about them. At present, so slavish is the attitude of nearly the whole British press that ordinary people have very little idea of what is happening, and may well be committed to policies which they will repudiate in five years’ time. In a shadowy sort of way we have been told that the Russian peace terms are a super-Versailles, with partition of Germany, astronomical reparations, and forced labour on a huge scale. These proposals go practically uncriticized, while in much of the left-wing press hack writers are even hired to extol them. The result is that the average man has no notion of the enormity of what is proposed. I don’t know whether, when the time comes, the Russians will really want to put such terms into operation. My guess is that they won’t. But what I do know is that if any such thing were done, the British and probably the American public would never support it when the passion of war had died down. Any flagrantly unjust peace settlement will simply have the result, as it did last time, of making the British people unreasonably sympathetic with the victims. Anglo-Russian friendship depends upon there being a policy which both countries can agree upon, and this is impossible without free discussion and genuine criticism now. There can be no real alliance on the basis of ‘Stalin is always right’. The first step towards a real alliance is the dropping of illusions.

Finally, a word to the people who will write me letters about this. May I once again draw attention to the title of this column and remind everyone that the Editors of Tribune are not necessarily in agreement with all that I say, but are putting into practice their belief in freedom of speech?

George Orwell


1: Kazimierz Sosnkowski, Polish General and independence fighter, was made Commander in Chief of Polish armed forces in 1943 following the death of Sikorski.

Thursday, 29 September 2022

Pulgasari and North Korean copyright


Pulgasari is probably North Korea's most famous contribution to cinema internationally. This Godzilla homage has been overshadowed by the real life story of kidnapped South Korean director Shin Sang-ok and his ex wife Choi Eun-hee and how they used the promotion for Pulgasari as an opportunity to escape in Austria.

I reviewed the movie a long time ago . It's worth a watch if you're a Kaiju fan. There are better big monster movies but there are also much worse and its setting and themes are quite unique.

North Korea does have copyright, this may be surprising given how their country is heavily associated with industrial scale piracy and espionage. The rest of the so-called communist world also passed copyright laws and eventually took steps to conform to international standards including the Bern convention. North Korea took longer than most, its statute defining copyright was passed in 2001 with a period fifty years after the death of principle authors. They updated this policy in 2006 and I can't find anything in there about the legislation being retroactive. This means that much of its cultural and artisitc output was technically public domain immediately, though the isolation of the country and its limited economic activity outside of the Soviet bloc and the People's Republic of China meant that much of its output was not available. Pulgasari was an exception as it received a big push internationally. 

This combination of factors is why it's relatively easy to find subbed copies of the film floating around the internet and home printed dvds available in places like ebay. I believe that Pulgasari is one of the few films you could argue that lack of a robust copyright system did hurt its owners ability to make money. The film was a flop abroad but has since become a cult hit, but what money has been made from this resurgence in interest has been to South Korean and Asian small scale distributors and not the North Korea state. 

North Korea's ex-dear leader Kim Jong Il had been trying for years to build an internationally respected and financially viable cinema industry, and while it may sound silly the movie with a rubber monster costume was a key part of his offensive. In a way it's a good thing it failed and most of the money went into other pockets. The North Korean state would use those funds to secure itself and the film and television industry as tools for domestic control and foreign influence. They had already kidnapped South Korean film makers and the Japanese cast and crew of Pulgasari including Godzilla actor Kenpachiro Satsuma were lied to about shutting locations and brought to North Korea under false pretences. 

That's another issue with intellectual property rights, they're value neutral so it's perfectly acceptable that the owners are enriched and can use IP as a tool to win hearts and minds. In theory IP is for the benefit of struggling artists, but often the reality is that the beneficiaries are corporations with a strained relationship with ethics, or despotic governments.

Sunday, 4 September 2022

Property as right and commodity

 The term copyright is somewhat misleading. The copy part is still accurate but the right has become outdated. Originally pioneering authors like Victor Hugo fought for the right to decide how their works were used and adapted, but over the years the concept has exploded into a maze of confusing legalities and commodities to be traded and sold. 

Recently a case has come up that shows the distinction between copyright the ideal and copyright the reality. Youtube channel Business Casual (BCs) and its lawsuits against Youtube and the Russian state. They've made an informative video documenting the situation and their side of the dispute.

Given my stance on intellectual property it may be surprising that I'm somewhat sympathetic to BCs plight. It does seem that the Russia Today network has been taking their content and Youtube has been covering for them because they're good for Youtube's business. But I do find BCs incredulity at the situation especially their lamenting of a betrayal of "American Values" rather hard to sympathise with. How naive must you be to believe that businesses do anything but what's good for business (or more accurately, what they think will be good for business) when left to their own devices. Money has no nationality or morals.

This blatant unfairness is what motivates the majority of the people who support the free information and open culture movements. Copyright isn't a right that applies equally to all, it openly privileges the established wealthy and the legally entrenched. Its no surprise to me that Youtube supports big channels, for years its been a joke amongst users that the best way to get your channel restored and issues resolved is to complain publicly via a twitter count with a lot of followers. Its also no surprise that the judges found in favour of the clients with many powerful law firms. 

I face this issue all the time, multiple times a month my channel with get copyright claims on content I know is public domain as I've spent days and even weeks checking, and yet every time I challenge them I have to weigh the potential damage a lawsuit will do to me. I'm just an individual, these are companies with their own legal departments and some have well established reputations for being vindictive. This is ultimately the reality of modern day intellectual property, on paper you have a right but the real question is do you have the means to fight for it? If the answer is no than your right functionally does not exist.

BC is still working through their suit against the Russian government and has vowed to continue fighting Youtube, so they may eventually after much time and resources see some results, but they aren't exactly amateurs with a built in laptop and microphone. I hope despite BCs negative commentary in the above video, the channel owners will learn from this episode that copyright as it stands is fundamentally broken and join in the efforts to end the excesses.

Sunday, 21 August 2022

Canada to extend copyright by 20 years

 Canada is set to extend the term of copyright protection by 20 years to life of the author plus 70 years, whereas previously it was life of the author plus 50 years. This is disappointing news, in popular culture its common to joke about Canada being overlooked and insignificant compared to its neighbour the United States, but as a large economy with an extensive international network and an English and French speaking population they are a country of influence and importance. 

The reason for this change was the adoption of an trade agreement in 2020 the Canada-United States-Mexico agreement (CUSMA). In a nutshell the agreement pressured Canada into adopting a copyright system equivalent to the United States. So, the people of Canada are denied important art, culture and educational material to support international business. I would also like to mention that Mexico is a party to CUSMA too, and currently Mexico has possible the most restrictive intellectual property system in the globe, life plus 100 years. So, since Canada had to extend its copyright terms to match the United States at least that means we can look forward to a lowering of the term from Mexico to balance it out right?

Well CUSMA has spurred some reform legislation in Mexico, however as far as I can tell they have nothing to do with lowering the term of protection, and are instead focused on extending the power of copyright infringement take down notices and extending the use of digital locks. Once again we have a double standard in intellectual property rights, arguments from fairness to creator rights and even standardisation are just used as smokescreens to increase control over society by government's and global monopolies. 

Its not just Canada that's lost out it's the world. Come next year Canada will go through the same twenty year freeze that the USA did in the 1990s, which led to the loss of thousands of works and locked up gigabytes of information in university archives because they were orphan works. 

Monday, 8 August 2022

Private Enterprise and Public Property: On Boutique releases and other commercial activities

I've occasionally seen some hostility from people and groups that run for profit ventures using public domain material to other people using the same material. Accusations of piracy and financial damage and ingratitude. I mostly archive and share but on occasion have edited and cleaned up some films, removed watermarks, added subtitles and score, re-encoded to improve picture quality and so on. It can take a lot of time and energy. So I do understand and sympathise with others who have done some restoration work and feel they aren't being appreciated fully. 

But that said you can't dictate the attitude of the general public. IP projects also take a lot of work and time and even money to make, corporations are not people but the work they do involves quite a lot of people. So that the work is voluntary or for profit but on a smaller scale doesn't automatically command a set amount of appreciation. Though I do encourage people to make their appreciation more apparent if they do value or enjoy someone else's efforts, I can say from experience that it does make a difference.

As for piracy, I'm sorry but that's simply not applicable. Why is copying and sharing called piracy? 17th century Buccaneers didn't sail up to a Spanish trade Galleon in the Caribbean, copy it and its cargo and then sale it to port and let others do the same. They bore down and seized the ship with violence or the threat of violence and on occasion attacked the crew to boot. The reason why torrenting a e-book or sending friends mp3s over e-mail or a shared folder is called piracy is partly propaganda, while the violence of the pirates was exaggerated media corporations were keen to associate these practices with negative legacy of the black flag fleets. The justification for the connection was that while physically speaking nothing was being stolen, theft was still occurring because you were violating the intellectual property of the legitimate owners. And here's the thing with public domain works, since every single person is the owner of them, effectively speaking ownership dissolves as there is no way to enforce or define that relationship. 

While I'm sure it stings emotionally to see something you've worked on get shared in ways you didn't consent to, legally and in my view morally there's nothing that can be done. Cleaning up the audio or re-encoding to make the image a little crisper or submitting an alternate soundtrack (if that soundtrack is also in the public domain) doesn't entitle you to enforce exclusive access to it. So, no anyone calling a situation like this piracy either has been misinformed as to what piracy is, or is simply trying to use the power of shaming to make their case for them.

On the preservation angle that quite a few of these arguments revolve around. For profit boutique releases aid preservation and by impacting on their ways of making profit people threaten to make these things obscure and rare again. There are two major flaws here, first the onus is on them to provide evidence that these limited releases do improve preservation, I've personally eagerly awaited several of these releases, failed to get hold of a copy and seen the film go back into obscurity for years until someone rips their copy and starts sharing it on the web. A limited release at best provides a small chance that future generations will rediscover them at some point. If you make special editions or improved versions of old public domain films and seriously wish to support preservation the best thing you could do is send it to one of the major national archives like the Library of Congress or the British Film Institute, as they're the only ones with the resources and setup to maintain and preserve it with any degree of security for the future.

Many television shows that are lost partially or in their entirety sold there episodes in physical form to tv stations around the world, it was no protection from trashing, getting lost, wearing out, war and riots in some cases, censorship etc. 

And while we're on the subject, preservation for what purpose? If the object is simple create a physical product to keep locked away for ever, then preservation is a waste of time and resources. I find it to be much more worthwhile to preserve these films for the benefit of the public, which requires extensive sharing and duplication. There are many business practices that these limited and "boutique" producers employ that effectively shutout all but a few, or would do if we all respected their attempts to salvage a business strategy based on artificial scarcity.

Preservation is only one of the important functions of the public domain. The public domain does not exist so things can last forever, its importance is that in given ownership to everyone it enables everyone if they're willing to re-use and take inspiration from them to make new things and enrich culture further. To those who got into the public domain because they dreamed of becoming millionaires selling dvds of Chaplain and Buster Keaton and WWII cartoons, I'm sorry but you've picked a terrible business plan. It is possible to make money out of the public domain and seeking compensation for work and effort is no crime, but you have to accept reality, the only ones who can make a go of this are the bigger labels and even they use the public domain as an auxiliary source of income.

Wednesday, 22 June 2022

The Scab by Jack London


The works of Jack London contain several thoughts on the scab, that is, a worker who chooses to work while the rest of the force are striking for improvements, or who takes a job at a workplace while a strike is in effect. 

He dedicated a poem to this phenomena in 1904. 

Ode To A Scab

After God had finished the rattlesnake, the toad, and the vampire, He had some awful substance left with which He made a scab. A scab is a two-legged animal with a corkscrew soul, a waterlogged brain, and a combination backbone made of jelly and glue. Where others have hearts, he carries a tumor of rotten principles.

When a scab comes down the street, men turn their backs and angels weep in heaven, and the devil shuts the gates of hell to keep him out. No man has a right to scab as long as there is a pool of water deep enough to drown his body in, or a rope long enough to hang his carcass with. Judas Iscariot was a gentleman compared with a scab. For betraying his Master, he had character enough to hang himself. A scab hasn't.

Esau sold his birthright for a mess of pottage. Judas Iscariot sold his savior for thirty pieces of silver. Benedict Arnold sold his country for a promise of a commission in the British Army. The modern strikebreaker sells his birthright, his country, his wife, his children, and his fellow men for an unfulfilled promise from his employer, trust, or corporation

Solidarity wins

 He also expanded on this subject with a short story that was published in The Atlantic that same year.

The Scab

“Such is the tangle of conflicting interests in a tooth-and-nail society that people cannot avoid being scabs, are often made so against their desires, and unconsciously.” A short story

Saturday, 28 May 2022

Manifesto on the Russian Revolution

I transcribed a scan of a manifesto written by several Anarchist groups exiled from the Russian Empire by the young Bolshevik government. It was hard to read in parts.
 The PDF is hosted on



The Russian Revolution

Issued By The

Anarchist Communist Groups of U.S. and Canada

Federation of Anarchist Communist Groups of U.S. and Canada

Ukrainian Anarchist Communist Groups of U.S. and Canada

Distributed Free


Manifesto on the Russian Revolution.

To the Proletariat of the World


Before stating the facts of the present occurrences in Russia, it is important to dwell upon the differences in tactics and aims, which separated the Socialist and Anarchist into two distinct movements.

The Socialists doubt the ability and judgment of the exploited masses to free themselves. They consider the State an institution which must be conquered, and suffrage as a weapon through which to achieve this. In attempting to sieze the State the Socialists aim at capturing a machine with which to rule the masses, though they claim that the seizure of the State is for the workers’ interests.

The Anarchists, on the other hand, have always trusted in i he masses’ ability to bring about their own liberation. In recognizing the State as an institution intentionally created by Capitalism, forcibly to keep the workers down, the Anarchists see the necessity of its immediate and complete destruction. To bring this about, they propose the most direct revolutionary methods such as General Strikes and uprisings.

For this the Socialists have denounced the Anarchists as “madmen** and “Don Quixotes” whose methods meant useless bloodshed; while the Anarchists could see nothing but disappointment for the exploited in the tactics and aims of the Socialists.

The workers who gave their support to the Socialist movement reaped only this result: — the attainment of well paying positions for the Socialists elected to political offices, through the parliamentary tactics, but nothing of value gained to the proletariat.

The anti-revolutionary tactics of the Socialists led them to take stands against the interest of the proletariat in many Genera! Strikes, as in France. Spain, Germany, and Italy—even to oppose the General Strike as a weapon against war. The rear 1914, showed nearly the entire Socialist parliamentary representation in every country siding with the Capitalists war. The action of the Socialists in this war practically shattered any hope or trust left amongst the toilers towards the Socialist movement. It stood bankrupt and discredited.

Then came March 1917, bringing with it the Revolution in Russia. Both foes and lovers of true liberty recognize the fact that the overthrow of Tzarism in 1917 marked the greatest attempt of a people on earth, to liberate themselves from economic and political slavery. It is true that important revolutions have occurred ever since oppression, rule and exploitation began; the French revolution of 1848, not to speak about the earlier revolutions, or the year 1871 that saw the rise and fall of that gigantic and heroic Paris Commune; — nevertheless it must be admitted that of all the attempted revolutions in the history of mankind, none could compare in economic and political significance with the Revolution of Russia in 1917. If any doubt still lingered, the overthrow of the Kerensky regime erased it. Here were over 150 million people who desired, not a change in rulers,. but a change in the entire social order. This is why the people cast overboard the great idol of the March Revolution — Kerensky and his Government, by carrying out the October Revolution.

The people wanted peace. They realized how millions of their own flesh and blood were being vainly sacrificed for the Tzardom that they had destroyed. They wanted land and freedom. To them land and freedom meant to own, in common — the land and factories, themselves producing and consuming the necessities of life; it also meant the complete annihilation of every form of political rule. It was with this instinctive aim and spirit that the cry arose from the masses: “All power to the Soviets” ! This slogan did not mean though all power to any new set of rulers.... On the contrary, it meant all power to the producers comprising the Workers and Peasants Soviets. Thus, in this spirit and to attain this aim, the Anarchists in Russia joined in that same chorus wTith the fighting masses. This cry was also echoed by revolutionary Socialists calling themselves Bolsheviki. If the Bolsheviki had had the same aim as the Anarchists, they would have helped to materialize the slogan they were shouting. Instead of this what did they do ? The answer will be given in subsequent paragraphs. This answer calls for the earnest attention, not only of the dwindling pro-bolshevist Anarchists, but also of the rank and file in the Communist Parties, as well as all thinking revolutionary workers. The facts we state here are based upon documents which are known to all those taking an interest in the revolution in Russia, and can be verified by a perusal of the Anarchist and Bolshevik press of every language.


When the spokesmen of the Bolsheviki joined in the masses* cry of “All power to the Soviets!” they evidently never meant it in earnest. What they did strive for, however was to procure the masses’ confidence to make them believe that the Bolshevik party was actually for the slogan. When they had accomplished this, they immediately set about subjugating the Soviets, until they succeeded in making them mere supporting props of the Government machine which they created.* [1]

The Soviets, as they were understood by the masses who overthrew Kerensky, exist no more. The Bolshevik Party in establishing itself as a Government ended the Soviets function as expressive organs of the Revolution. To carry this out safely, the Bolsheviki had to subvert the Soviets into organs under their control so as to enable them in ruling over the people. Having accomplished this, their other acts followed as a natural consequence.


The Co-operatives which existed previous to the overthrow of Tzardom, and which could have been turned into organs to aid the Soviet of Peasants and Workers carry on the distribution of foods, etc., were absorbed by the Bolsheviki who turned them into organs of their Government.


An examination of the labor code laws reveals the fact that no worse form of compulsory labor, spy system, ‘‘efficiency” sweating of labor, and differentiation in payment of high and low wages, for “skilled” and “unskilled” workers was ever surpassed by any capitalist rulership. -It also reveals that all conditions of wages and labor rest finally and decidedly, not in the hands of the workers, but of the Commissars of Labor, who are the officials of the Government. Capitalism does not pretend to shield its exploitation and rule under any “holy” motives, whereas the Bolshevik Government hides its motives under the misleading defence, that its system of industrial and political slavery is carried on in the interest of the workers!


A Revolution successfully to attain its aims, can depend only on the voluntary cooperation of the masses to defend it whenever needed. The masses in the Russian Revolution have shown that they could rise as volunteer fighters. The overthrow of the Tzar, Radzianko, Kerensky and Korniloff proves that. But the Bolshevik Government fearing the subversion of its rule, nullified the toilers’ right to bear arms, and began the formation of a conscripted army whose leadership was mostly composed of the same Generals and minor officials that had made Tzardom so abhorred by humanity.


The first attempt which culminated in a peace agreement between Russia in Revolution and a Capitalist Government was the beginning of the Social Revolution's end. Russia in Revolution could either defy the entire capitalist world, by using the greatest opportunity in the history of the Proletariat’s struggles to arouse the oppressed of each country to rally to the defense of the Social Revolution in Russia, which would have meant the possible realization of a World Revolution, or, in the event of failure have gone down as defiant and brave as the Paris Commune. The memories of the Paris Commune are treasured and commemorated by every revolutionist because it fought uncompromisingly. We all revere it, for having remained true to its aims. The Bolshevik Government by concluding peace with Capitalism, prevented either victory for the Revolution, or intrepid, uncompromising defeat.


After the Bolshevik Government realized its failure to subjugate and use the rank and file of the Trade Unions, as they had succeeded in doing with its officials, they adopted new methods of compromise, whereby they “granted” some rights to the unions, though retaining the bulk of power in their own hands.

The formation of the Red Union International was instituted by the Bolsheviki of Russia, not with the avowed purpose of uniting the revolutionary proletariat of the world, but, as they admit in their party press, for the purpose of gathering those forces only who approve of the tactics and aims of the Bolsheviki in Russia, under whose dominating influence the Red Union International will always be.


The Bolshevik Government failed to force the peasants and factory workers to continue yielding their produced wealth to them, and this, in spite of their armed expeditions upon defiant peasants and their decrees and penalties upon factory workers. Instead of realizing and amending their futile coercive measures the Bolshevik Government further injured the revolution by a complete reintroduction of capitalistic barter, profiteering and speculation between the peasants and city workers, and by restoring on a larger scale than before high and low wages, premiums and bonuses amongst the factory workers.


The preachers of a future heaven have never as a whole sided with the exploited masses. Whenever they had a chance to mislead and harm them they did so. These adherents of Capitalism have been acknowledged as some of the worst enemies in the road of the toilers’ struggle for liberation. Yet, the Bolshevik Government gave full protection to the preachers to continue deceiving the people. In return for this we find the prelates working in close co-operation with the “revolutionary” government.


The Bolshevik Government began its attacks on the Anarchists and their movement because the Anarchists refused to assent to any of the perfidies committed against the Revolution. The Anarchists saw in the establishment of a Government by the Bolshevik party the death-knell of the Soviets that were to function as organs of the revolution. They saw in the signing of the Brest-Litovsk peace the next act of treason. They saw the Government’s subjugation of the Soviets, Co-operatives, and Trade Unions into Government organs, all controlled by the Bolshevik party. The Anarchists, saw, likewise, the peoples initiative killed and their spirit for the Revolution destroyed; and Tzaristic Generals becoming “red” army Generals, while Tzaristic exploiters at home were relegated to their old positions under the new name of “commissars”. They saw peace being made with Capitalism and its Governments, while Anarchist Communes (as in Samarov and Saratov) were relentlessly destroyed. The Anarchists then realized how all these acts by the Bolshevik Government were subverting the aims of the October revolution and making it impossible to arouse by such compromises the spirit of Revolt in the minds and hearts of the Proletariat in other countries.


They refused to join in such acts, refused to assent, or to keep silent, and instead exposed every act of the Bolshevik Government to the best of their abilities. The work of the Anarchist movement in Russia, however, did not consist, merely in refusing to keep silent, but pointed out the road that the Workers and Peasants ought to take in order to save the Social Revolution. They showed that it was preferable to have production and distribution completely in the hands of the producers themselves, voluntarily united into Soviets of factory Workers and Soviets of Peasants, than to have a useless non-producing Commissar bureacracy comprising the entire Government, that has failed in spite of all its decrees, laws and repressive methods of Centralization, to show any light to its existence. They maintained, that if the Workers and Peasant Soviets had remained the organs of the revolution as outlined, then no conscription to defend the revolution would have been necessary, for there would have been all the volunteers needed for the defense of every endangering position of the Revolution. This movement also showed that it was better to have the producers make mistakes by practicing voluntary Communism than by laying off such practice “for 60 years or more”, in the meantime reintroducing every evil method of the Capitalist system of exploitation, and rulership. They showed too, that no compromise with Capitalism would bring about the rallying of the World Proletariat to the Revolution in Russia. The compromises and peace agreements made by the Bolshevik Government, would only estrange them. The duty of every sincere Revolutionist was to remain among and with the masses, always trying to show the right way — instead of leaving the masses and establishing themselves into a Centralized Dictatorial Government over the masses.


For these reasons the Bolshevik Government has and continues to persecute and jail Anarchists, suppressing their movement and refusing admission to deported Anarchists. They suppress also news about their repression of the Anarchist Movement. Thus does every Capitalist Government in the world always persecute and torture Anarchists for refusing to bargain or compromise with them, at the expense of achieving economic and political freedom. Why should then, one expect any different action towards the true libertarians from a Bolshevik government, though it calls itself “revolutionary”? The purpose of Governments, from the most reactionary to the most “revolutionary” are, and always will be — similar. The basic foundations of Government is to rule over the people and to oppress those who oppose their rule. The Bolshevik or any other similar named “revolutionary” government is not, nor can it be, any exception to the rule. As far back as April, 1918, the Bolshevik Government attacked all the Anarchist clubs of Moscow, murdering, wounding and jailing many Anarchists. In a more brutal manner, and on a larger scale, the Anarchist communes of Saratov and Samarov were destroyed by the government. Innumerable similar attacks were committed by the Bolshevik Government upon the Anarchists in every part of Russia, though they and their supporters kept on denying these allegations as invented lies of the Capitalist press to hurt the Revolution. For more than two years they succeeded in keeping the world ignorant as to the truth of these charges. But just as the barriers of Tzardom were broken, so the Bolshevik barriers were also torn down, by the underground methods always resorted to by revolutionists. All the denials of Anarchist persecutions by the Bolshevik Government were intentionally misleading, and the death and funeral of Peter Kropotkin revealed this in the most glaring manner. The radios sent out by the Anarchist Funeral Committee containing the news of Kropotkin’s funeral were censored by the Bolshevik Government. The portion which told of Anarchists imprisoned in the jails of Russia, of the manner in which the government first refused the release of the imprisoned Anarchists in Moscow to attend the funeral, of how they assented and then again refused this request; of how at last in order to avoid an open scandal only seven were released; of how the seven were the pall-bearers and that one of them spoke on the cemetery; of how a demand by the funeral commission to issue a four page paper in memory of Kropotkin, uncensored, was refused; and of how a demand to issue 400,000-copies of such a paper was also refused, and a grant of the right to issue 30,000 was given instead, that all these parts containing the above important facts of persecutions of Anarchists, sent out by the Funeral Committee, were suppressed by the Bolshevik Government.

The Bolshevik Government helped the counter-revolutionary movements in Southern Russia, when they persistently refused to furnish arms to the Makhnovtzi (comprising thousands of volunteer fighters), just because the Makhnovtzi would not recognize the Dictatorship of the Bolshevik Party.

The Bolshevik Government after joining forces with the “Makhnovtzes” and successfully defeating Wrangel, started to kill and jail every “Makhnovtzi” that they “captured”.

450 representatives of the Anarchist Movement at an Anarchist Congress in Kharkov, December 1920, were attacked and arrested by the Bolshevik Government. It is now known to all that a general relentless persecution, jailing and suppression of Anarchists and their organs rages continuously all over Russia, under direct orders from the Bolshevik government.

At the moment the Bolshevik party, at its tenth Congress, 1921 labelled the Workers' Opposition within their party, as a Syndicalist Anarchist movement, (because the Workers' Opposition favored the control of industries by the Trade Unions, and therefore must be crushed...) the day following this declaration, a general raid of every Anarcho-Syndicalist organization and jailing of their members took place all over Russia, ending in the entire suppression of the Anarcho-Syndicalist movement; , just as that of the Anarchist-Communist movement which took place long before.

The Bolshevik Government was not telling the truth when _ they asserted, that the Kronstadt uprising of March, 1921, was a counter-revolutionary one. The Bolsheviki themselves admit, what is now known to all, that the rising was inspired by the - desire Tor reorganization of the Soviets as opposed to the present Soviets that are being used as supporting tools of the Dictatorship of The Bolshevik Party. The government killed thousands of the best revolutionists when they defeated the-Kronstadt Revolution, which, if successful, would have meant a rebirth of the Social Revolution in Russia.

The Bolshevik Government refuses to admit workers, especially deportees into Russia, because they are Anarchists, in contradiction of their so-called “constitution” which promises free asylum to all political refugees. At the same time, they admit and welcome representatives of Capitalism and their Governments. This adds another striking proof as to what the Bolshevist Government is and to what degree it “represents” the true spirit of the Revolution.

Another action of this government was to assault the defenceless Anarchist and other political prisoners in the Bootirski Prison, during the night, of April 25, 1921.

Another wholesale murderous act upon Anarchists was committed in September 1921, when ten active Anarchists were murdered by the Tcheka. The charge made against them is in itself the most striking proof as to the depths into which even a so-called “revolutionary” government is forced to sink, in order to protect is rulership. The charge against the ten murdered Anarchists was published in the Isvestia of September 30th, 1921. They were accused of participating in an illegal Anarchist movement that carried out expropriations, m order to raise funds, with which to publish Anarchist literature.

Exactly the same charges that the Tzar used to make against the very same Bolsheviki when they were still revolutionists and not government officials 1 The Bolshevik regime is ruling supreme, taking all funds it finds necessary, from the Russian people, to publish dozens of daily papers, hundreds of weeklies and monthlies and millions of books and pamphlets. But when the Anarchists are outlawed, have they not then that absolute moral right to organize illegally and carry on expropriations upon such a “revolutionary” government?

At the time this is being issued, June, 1922, we still find houndings upon the most active Anarchists continuing as before; and the jails of Russia filled with hundreds of Anarchists and other revolutionists. These prisoners are moved about from one jail to the other, in most instances held for years without even a “trial”. In some prisons, the victims have to endure much torture. The Bolsheviki regime, seeming to imitate the Tsaristic regimes has also inaugurated deportations of revolutionists abroad and into different regions of the country.


The Bolshevik Government is trying to defend every attack upon the Anarchist Movement by the cry that it is done for the “good" of the Revolution. The truth is however, that by attacking those class — conscious workers of the Revolution who refuse to betray the true aims of the revolution, it thus proves to the proletariat of the world, that it is the Bolshevik Government itself, which is betraying the Revolution.

The aims of every “Communist" Party outside of Russia, exactly resemble those of the “Communist" Party in Russia. The “Revolutionary" utterances by the Third “Communist" International and its affiliated parties are only intended to hide every compromise and perfidy committed by the “Communist" Government, at the expense and in the name of the Revolution in Russia.

All these betrayals are committed, not to save the revolution, but to save the rule of the “Communist" party, which blocked the Social Revolution when they established themselves as the “Communist" Government of Russia.

This Communist Government committed rank treachery by opening negotiations and concluding peace, with Capitalism, without even consulting the toiling masses of Russia, in whose name they pretend to rule, and only after the peace agreements were about completed, were the officials, not the masses, asked to approve them.

The Third Communist" International acted insincerely, when it appealed and expected the workers of those capitalistic countries with whom the “Communist" Government made peace to save the Revolution, — to rise in revolution against these very same capitalistic governments.

The “Communist" Government is misusing the masses’ trust by assisting in all ways, every “Communist" party in foreign countries, to carry on the propaganda of getting the worker’s confidence in helping them to gain power and afterwards rule over them as in Russia. This wealth is taken without the knowledge or consent of the toilers, at a time when thousands are dying of famine and disease.

From all we have stated, we believe we have a right to expose and charge the Socialist State of Russia and the “Communist" International which supports it with having deceived the people and betrayed the Revolution in Russia, and having sup- pressed every revolutionary movement that dared to expose them.

The proletariat of the whole world is beginning to realize, that the Third “Communist” International is nothing but the same discredited body as the second Socialist International, only bearing a new name. The deception of the Second was in the parliaments, General Strikes, and war, while this of the Third “Communist” International, is that of a Social Revolution.


We have concluded our facts and accusations against the “Communist” Government of Russia, which is approved, upheld and defended by the Third “Communist” International, comprising every “Communist” party.

We do not ask you, the thinking revolutionary workers to waste any energy protesting against these acts of the “Communist” government and its parties. We understand that you, the rank and file of every revolutionary working-class movement, are sincere and honest. We believe that realizing the truth of our exposures, you will feel outraged. You may want to avenge the Anarchists who refused to assent to the betrayal of the Revolution, and, as a result, are being murdered, jailed, suppressed and lied about by the “Communist” Government. It is to all such revolutionists that this message is particularly directed.

We want you to understand that the vengeance which we would wish you to carry out is of an entirely different kind than you might expect. It is; that you realize that the Anarchists foresaw in the rising authoritarian Socialist movement, the dangerous consequences that might ensue in the event of the achievement of a Socialist State; just as they foresaw in the Socialists’ assent to participate in the electorate of Capitalism’s institutions of the State, the Stream for turning the Socialist movement into a channel where every revolutionist would eventually he tempted to enter, and thus turn traitor to the workers’ liberation.

We want you to realize that whether the Socialist State in Russia were composed of people calling themselves Social Revolutionists or Mensheviks the same treacheries would have ensued, just as under the “Communists”.

Why? Because the final aim of the “Communist”, the Social Revolutionist or Menshevik is the same, all striving to carry out in practice — Marxian — Authoritarian Socialism. Ih is this Marxian Socialism that considers the producing masses incapable and devoid of enough intelligence to carry on a revolution, or to rebuild society without first establishing a Socialist State.

This State would function as a ruling machine over the masses, for generations, until the whole earth were dominated, by Socialist States, and then, so Engels assured, the “political State” would be “turned” into simple “administrative” functions supervising the Social interests.

We trust you will understand why that what is carried on by the “Communist” Government in Russia, the entire stoppage of the Revolution and the re-introduction of Capitalism, is, already being justified by the “sound” conception of Marx’s viewpoint. Marx contended that only a people who passed all the stages of Capitalism were capable, and fit to rise in a Social Revolution. The Revolution in Russia, proved Marx’s fallacy. At first the “Communists” themselves admitted that. But since they became the ruling State in Russia, they nullified every organ of the Revolution, and gradually climbed down ini their compromises, until to-day, they shamelessly attempt to justify themselves by asserting that the people of Russia, (who had risen in a Social Revolution) must first pass all the stages of Capitalism before attaining a Communist Society!

We hope you will realize, also, that the deception of 50 years Parliamentary Socialism; of the “Communist” Government, in Russia and of the Third “Communist” International, are not treacheries developing because of the dishonesty of individuals, but because of the ideas and tactics of Marxian Socialism.[2] And this failure, bankruptcy and duplicity of 50 years Marxian Socialism has not only proven every contention of the Anarchist movement as correct, but what is more important we can point out that:

The toiling masses (as in Russia, October, 1917) are capable of arising in a Social Revolution, and are also capable (as they actually did) of taking over the land and factories Organizing production and distribution upon the basis of voluntary communism. If, after this, the voluntary communistic producers would unite in a Federation of Communes, they could not only become strong enough to crush every counter revolutionary movement within or without, but could also become the most gigantic inspiring reality in arousing the oppressed of the entire world in rallying to the necessary defence and support of the Revolution, by following the revolutionary road within their own countries. In this way, they could bring about the World Revolution.

We contend that the Revolution in Russia, could and still can organize itself on the basis of voluntary communism and dispense with the entire useless institution of the State.

We also assert, that the great success of “Saturdayna" in Russia, (the voluntary offer to do the most essential work on Saturday afternoons without any recompense) had proven, in the most striking manner that the masses are instinctively ready and willing to practice voluntary communism.

We contend, too, that the Social Revolution in Russia can and will yet be saved only by the toiling masses' destruction of every form of State, which means also, the breaking of every peace agreement with Capitalism.

Finally, we contend, that what has transpired in the last 50 years of the proletariat's struggles for freedom, and of what has — and is now taking place in Russia particularly, ought to be clear and convincing enough to show to the thinking proletariat of the World the road that he should choose in order to liberate himself from economic and political slavery.

Anarchism-Communism trusts the liberation of the oppressed, and the rebuilding of the new society and defense of it, into the hands of the exploited masses. This is the only ideal and pathway left for the proletariat of the world, if he wishes to achieve liberation.

We are proud that it is for the defense of this basic principle of Anarchism, that our comrades in Russia are sacrificing their freedom, energy and lives. From our murdered comrades graves, and behind the walls of the prisons in Russia, our comrades' message to the enslaved proletariat of the world rings out:

“We want you to avenge the sufferings inflicted upon us, by the “Communist" Government because we remained true to the aims of the Social Revolution. The only way for you to retaliate, is by saving the Revolution in Russia, and making the World Revolution 'possible.’’

How can you accomplish this? This is up to you, the thinking proletariat of Russia, and every other country who are striving to attain economic and political liberation. You ought to realize that this will never by achieved through trusting such a task into the hands of a Government- or Party rule. No Government or Party will ever cease its rule voluntarily. It will change its name from a political to that of an administrative State, but a State it will remain and rule it will continue over the people.

Particularly those sincere Communists in the rank and file of the “Communist” parties who can realize this, by what has, and is now occurring in Russia, should and can avenge the sacrifices of the Anarchists by leaving enmass the ranks of their parties and joining the movement whose ideal strives for, and whose tactics can attain, the economic and political liberation of the proletariat — the Anarchist-Communist movement.

This would be the only effective reward that we feel, would satisfy our comrades in Russia, the realization of a world wherein truth, liberty, equality and happiness for every toiler on earth — would begin.

We call upon every Revolutionist and sincere Communist to joins us in carrying out this vengeance, and never relent in our work until the liberation from slavery, oppression and rule is achieved, and the materialization of the World Federation of Communes has become a reality.

Down with every form of exploitation and rulership!

Long live the Social World Revolution!

Long live Voluntary — Communism — Anarchism Communism !


 Anarchist Communist Groups of U. S. and Canada

 Federation of Russian Anarchist Communist Groups of U. S. and Canada

 Ukrainian Anarchist Communist Groups of U. S. and Canada

[1] *M. L. Olgin who is defending the “Communist” Government furnished the strongest proof of this when he wrote in the Forw ard (New York Socialist Daily) : “Thus it came to pass that in Russia there are two organs of power: the Soviets on one side and the Communist Party on the other. This duality was carried out from top to bottom. At the head of all Russia stands the Sovnarkom, (Soviet Narodnih Commissarov — The Soviet of People’s Commissars, the m inisterial cabinet of Russia), but the decisions that are accepted there, are first carried through by the Central Committee of the Party and before the Central Committee had considered and worked out an opinion, it will not be taken up in the “Sovnarkom”. It is needless to say, that the “Sovnarkom” will not accept a decision againt the desire of the Central Committee”
[2] In order to convincingly show th at in accusing the Bolshevik regime- with its protector the Third International of rank treachery, nothing is being exaggerated, it should suffice to bring forth the fact that a new Fourth Workers Communist International came into being this year. In its first manifesto this International (composed of the left wing element that left the Third Com. Int.) bases the right of its existence on the charge that the Bolshevik regime of the Communist Party in Russia, together with the Third Inter, which is controlled by them, has betrayed both the Russian revolution and the proletariat of the world. It is only to be regretted that the program of this new International does not differ much from the original program of the Bolshevik party before assuming power. This new International fails to realize that If its left wing element should per chance assume the reigns of government in Russia, they would gradually begin to commit the very same acts of treachery that every rulership must begin to commit from its inception till its death. The fault lies not with the dishonesty of the Bolshevik! but with the manner in which they try to do things. It is the ideas and tactics of Marxism that lead to the Bolshevik's course, and the same would occur if any other party of individuals accepted Marxism as a guide by which to„ carry on the Social Revolution.



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